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Playstation 2 - OPL "Open PS2 Loader" v0.9.4 r1005 - Download

Saiu uma nova atualização para o Open PS2 Loader conhecido como OPL, uma ferramenta para jogar via USB no seu Playstation 2.

Changelog - Log de mudanças:

– Use module export table to reset ds3 (remove pademu rpc in ee_core).
– Use thread to read data/set vibration in ds3bt module (can be disabled in Makefile).
– Emulating analog button (changing pad mode by pressing PS+SELECT buttons).
– Option to compile pademu modules without using sms_utils (remove -DUSE_SMSUTILS in Makefile) to make them usable in others apps.
– In gui: saving bt adapter mac address, now pairing DS3 is posible without connected bt adapter.

Download OPL v0.9.4 "versão PS2-Home"

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